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How do you know
Breakthrough Coaching is right for you?

Are you a ....?
  • Female executive aiming to accelerate your career

  • High-potential woman eager to unlock your full potential

  • Emerging leader stepping into a new role

  • Seasoned leader in need of new perspectives

  • Woman in a male-dominated industry

  • Woman who is changing career paths, moving industries, or returning to work after a break


Then YES it's definitely MADE FOR YOU!
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Unlock These Benefits

For Participants

  • Career advancement and acceleration

  • The tools, insights, and support needed to unlock your full potential

  • Enhanced self-awareness and confidence

  • Identification of blind spots

  • A sounding board to hone new ideas for growing your business, your team, and yourself

  • A “fresh set of eyes” on your challenges

  • Accountability to achieve your goals

  • Improved work-life balance

  • Enhanced communication skills

  • Increased resilience enabling better handling of setbacks and adversity

  • The confidence that comes from having expert guidance

  • The comfort that comes from having a mentor

For Employers

  • Accelerated talent development

  • Improved performance and business results

  • Expanded capacity

  • Enhanced diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging

  • An engaged and motivated team

  • Improved employee retention

  • Promotion of a culture of learning and growth

Completely Customized

Personalized for your unique leadership journey.

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Comprehensive feedback loops for holistic growth and development.

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Remote 1:1 Coaching

Personal guidance from anywhere, fitting seamlessly into your schedule.


Success Toolkit

Empowering resources at your fingertips for continued leadership evolution.

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Unlimited Support

Continued guidance between sessions to ensure your progress is uninterrupted.

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Accountability Tracker

Systematic follow-up and accountability measures to keep your growth and development on track.

Ready to Start?

Fill out this form and join me on this adventure!

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